Paper quilling is a great art to make beautiful things from paper. One can easily craft amazing birds using paper. Quilling birds and animals is not a complex task for those with a creative mind. If you are interested in quilling, then it is your playground. Just kick start a creative journey with paper! 🙂
I too love this craft and enjoy making quilled earrings. Today I came across some beautiful bird designs. Here I am sharing these creative designs with my readers! Enjoy!
Paper Quilling Birds
Svetlana V
Katarzina Kalinowska
Paper Quilled Swan- Svetlana BELOVASmilingarts
papercraftss.blogspot.inKennedi Christopher Smith
Hummingbird Paper Quilling – Brenda Yates
so nice ….what a art ! wonderfull
Great work. I’m gonna try one of these
Thank you for the feature two years ago. Please do try to put the correct sources witj. My image has the url on it.
Beautiful work. gonna have to try the peacock and humming bird. Thanks so much.