Valentina Razenkova was born in Kaliningrad. She lived in Petrozavodsk and learned the art of silk ribbon embroidery. She crafted beautiful landscapes, bouquets and flowers with silk ribbon. Valentina graduated from the Bobruisk art school and started making flowers using silk ribbons. She explored the beauty of silk ribbon by making amazing designs and patterns.
It is a tough job to decide the right satin ribbon for a particular piece of work. This material is a stunning stuff that gives a unique effect to flowers. According to Valentina, it is a creative process that demands creativity. She don’t use any type of tapestries or prints as it is a hindrance to imaginative work. She begins her work with a basic sketch. Then it is applied to the cloth, tape, thread and batik (dry). She has conducted several exhibitions in her location. Her works are always an inspiration for silk ribbon embroidery lovers.
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I live close to Savannah Ga. and I have tried unsuccessfully to find someone who can help me learn silk embrodiry with ribbon. do you know any place that I can go to be shown by someone who knows the art and is willing to teach me. I can embrodier but never tried ribbon before. I would be grateful fo any help you can give me. I have tried every place in sav. that would be likely to give lessons and they don’t know anyone. please help me. sincerely Judy Lammers, 912-398-4535. address is : 280 Zeigler Rd. Bloomngdale, Ga. 31302 email: